• San-Marino-Huntingdon-Library-Ms-EL-34-B-7-fols-23v-24r

    San Marino, CA, Huntington Library, Ms EL 34 B 7

    The Processional of the Nuns of Chester

  • 加速器

    London, British Library, Add. 30851

    The Mozarabic Psalter

  • Munich-Bayerische-Staatsbibliothek-Clm-6298-fol-1v

    Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 6298

    Facsimiles of the Creeds from Early Manuscripts

  • Paris-Bibliothèque-Nationale-Lat-9433-fol-22v

    Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 9433

    The Sacramentary of Echternach

  • Munich-Bayerische-Staatsbibliothek-Inc-c-a-25

    Munich: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Inc.c.a. 25

    Missale Romanum, Mediolani, 1474

The Henry Bradshaw Society, founded in 1890, promotes the study of medieval and early modern liturgies through the publication of scholarly editions and studies, and by hosting relevant materials online.

The Main Series of publications is one of the longest-established and most widely respected in its field, and its ongoing collection provides a resource for the study of the medieval Church whose importance is internationally recognised. The Society also publishes a series of occasional Subsidia volumes, which include extended monographs whose subjects fall within the area of our interests.

Proposals for future publications in the Main Series or Subsidia Series are welcome at any time, and may be addressed to the Publications Secretary.








